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    National Clothesline


    Trade Association Guide


Coin Laundry Association
Brian Wallace, executive director. 1 S. 660 Midwest Road, Suite 205, Oakbrook Terrace, IL. 60181. Phone: (630) 953-7920. Web: www.coinlaundry.org/ The Coin Laundry Association is a network of laundry owners, distributors and manufacturers with affiliates throughout the country.

Drycleaning and Laundry Institute
Mary Scalco, chief executive officer. 14700 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707. Phone: (301) 622-1900; fax: (240) 295-4200. Web: www.dlionline.org/. DLI is a trade association that represents cleaners around the United States with affiliate associations in many states.

Independent Textile Rental Association
Ron Evans, executive director. PO Box 190, Hogansville, GA 30230. Phone: (800) 477-7843; Fax (706) 637-8875. Web: www.itra.us. ITRA is a national association and network of independently owned and operated industrial laundry facilities, distributors and manufacturers.

International Drycleaners Congress
Chris Tebbs, executive director. 256 Sun Valley Drive, SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2X 2T8. Phone: (403) 685-4755; Fax (403) 256-9565. Web: www.idcgroup.org. IDC is an international organization for cleaners.

International Committee of Textile Care (CINET)
Peter Wennekes, secretary general. P.O. Box 10, NL - 4060GA Ophemert. Phone: 31 344 650 430; Fax: 31 344 652 665 Web: www.cinet-online.net. CINET is an umbrella organization of national textile care associations of professionals of the textile care industry.

National Cleaners Association
Nora Nealis, executive director. 252 W 29th St., New York, NY 10001. Phone: (212) 967-3002; fax: (212) 967-2240. Web: www.nca-i.com. NCA is a trade association for cleaners with local chapters in various states.

The Hohenstein Institute
Dr. Stefan Mecheels, director. Schloss Hohenstein, Schlosssteige 1 74357, Bönnigheim, Germany. Phone: 49 7143 271-0. Web: www.hohenstein.de. The Hohenstein Institute is a research and service centre serving companies and businesses in the textile chain and associated areas.

Textile Care Allied Trades Association
4023 N. Armenia Ave., Ste 270, Tampa FL 33607. Phone (813) 348-0075; fax (813) 348-0077. Web: www.tcata.org. TCATA represents manufacturers and distributors of equipment and supplies for the cleaning industry.

Textile Rental Services Association
Roger Cocivera, president and chief executive officer. 1800 Diagonal Rd., Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314. Phone: (877) 770 9274. Web: www.trsa.org. TRSA represents industrial laundry facilities in 24 countries.


MidAtlantic Association of Cleaners (MAC)
14700 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD. Peter Blake, executive director. Phone: (800) 235-8360; fax: (240) 295-4200. Web: www.macassociation.org. MAC is a DLI-affiliate association that serves cleaners in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Midwest Drycleaning and Laundry Institute
MWDLI is a DLI-affiliate association serving cleaners in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.(800) 638-2627. Web: www.mwdli.org.

North East Fabricare Association (NEFA)
P.O Box 920, Pelham, NH 03076. Peter Blake, executive director. Phone: (800) 442-6848; fax: (603) 635-0319. Web: www.nefabricare.com. NEFA is a DLI affiliate association that serves cleaners in New England, New Jersey and New York.

Rocky Mountain Fabricare Association (RMFA)
Mary Ewing, executive director. 2110 65th Ave. Greeley, CO 80634. Phone: (970) 330-0124; toll-free (866) 964-RMFA. Fax: (303) 339-9501. Facebook: Rocky-Mountain-Fabricare-Association. RMFA is a DLI-affiliate association that serves cleaners in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.

South Eastern Fabricare Association (SEFA)
14700 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707. Peter Blake, executive director. Phone: (877) 707-7332. Web: www.sefa.org. SEFA is a DLI-affiliate association that serves cleaners in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee and South Carolina.

Southwest Drycleaners Association (SDA)
Chuck Hempstead and Associates, 801 S. Highway 183, #1115, Leander, TX 78641. Phone: (512) 873-8195; Fax (512) 873-7423. Web: www.sda-dryclean.com. SDA is a DLI-affiliate association that serves cleaners in Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.


California Cleaners Association.
Peter Blake, executive director. 700 N. Valley St., Suite B PMB 69559, Anaheim, CA 92801 Phone: (916) 239-4070; Fax: (240) 240-295-4200. Web: www.calcleaners.com. CCA is a DLI-affiliate association.

Illinois Professional Drycleaners and Launderers.
Sue Kratz, executive director. PO Box 308, Channahon, IL 60410-0308. Phone: (815) 521-1187; (800) 462-4732. Fax: (815) 521-1195. Web: www.ilpdl.org. ISFA is a DLI-affiliate association.

Minnesota Cleaners Association.
Drenda Wendell, executive director. 8984 Stratford Court, Suite II, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443. Phone: (763) 213-3231. www.minnesotadrycleaners.org. MCA is a DLI- affiliate association

North Carolina
North Carolina Association of Launderers & Cleaners.
Paul Goodson, executive director. 4819 Emperor Blvd., Ste 400, Durham, NC 27703. Phone: (919) 313-4542. Fax: (704) 461-0531. Web: www.ncalc.org. NCALC is a DLI-affiliate association.


Alberta Textile Care Association.
Chris Tebbs, executive secretary. 256 Sun Valley Dr., Calgary, Alberta T2X 2T8. Phone: (403) 256- 1558 Fax: (403) 256-1580. Web: www.abtca.com. Serves the drycleaning industry in Alberta.

Canadian Cleaners and Launderers Allied Trades Association
Contact Trevor Holmes, 119-160 Eglington Ave. E. Suite 312, Toronto, ON M4G2K2; (416) 580- 9574. CLATA is composed of allied trades representatives who sell equipment and supplies to launderers and drycleaners. Website:www.clata.ca/

Canadian Fabricare Association.
Sidney Chelsky, executive director. 120 Promenade Circle #910, Thornhill, Ontario L4J 7W9. Phone (905) 881-5906; Fax:(416) 573-1929. Web: www.fabricare.org. Serves the drycleaning industry in Ontario.


European Chlorinated Solvents Association.
Avenue E Van Nieuwenhuyse 4 (Serenitas), B-1160 Brussels. Phone: 32 2 676 72 11; Fax 32 2 676 72 41. Web: www.eurochlor.org. Represents the interests of European chlorinated solvent producters.

Guild of Cleaners and Launderers
Adrian Redgate, president and chairman. 5 Portland Place, London W1B 1PW. Phone: 0845 600 1838. Web: www.gcl.org.uk. The Guild is a technical and professional society for furthering knowledge and skill in all branches of the industry.

Wyndham Way, Telford Way, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 8SD United Kingdom. Phone: 44 (0)1536 410000; Fax: 44 (0)1536 410626. Web:www.satra.co.uk. SATRA is a research and technology center that provides support and expertise throughout the textile chain. Website:www.satra.com/

Textile Services Association
Roger Salmon, interim chief executive, 3 Queen Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AR. Phone: 020 7843 9490; Fax: 020 7843 9491. Web: www.tsa-uk.org. TSA is a trade association for the laundry, drycleaning and textile rental industries in the United Kingdom.


Dryleaning Institute of Australia.
Philip Johns, chief executive officer. 184A Vincent Street, Cessnock, NSW 2325. Phone: 02 4993 3377; 02 4993 3377; Fax: 02 4990 9695.Web: www.drycleanersweb.com.au. DIA is a representative body for the drycleaning industry in Australia.


Japan Cleaning Productivity Council.
Nobuyasu Igarashi, chairman. Web: www.jcpc.jp. JCPC was founded in 1958 to improve productivity of the Japanese cleaning industry

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